The name of the brothers-designers Costiglione may not be well known to the general public. But their lamp with a lamp on a long “fishing pole” quickly broke into quotations. Today, several tens of factories can find models of a similar design. For 1962, Arco was truly revolutionary. Whether a joke: a floor lamp which can provide not only local, but also general illumination in a room (to be instead of a chandelier). Try to hang the chandelier in another place of the ceiling, and this floor lamp turns where you need in a matter of minutes, without any overhaul. Due to the adjustment of the telescopic leg, it is possible to change the height of the luminaire relative to the floor (from 145 to 175 cm)
Format: Cimema 4D (Vray, AR) 3ds Max (Vray)
Textures: yes
Size: 8 MB
Outdoor Floor Lamp 3D Model Download
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