Maxon Cinema 4D Available for M1-Powered Macs

M1-Powered Macs

Maxon announced Cinema 4D will be available for the new M1-powered Macs when they ship. This makes Cinema 4D the very first professional 3D animation tool available for the new Macs.

Maxon has a two-decade long history of being the first professional 3D package to support Apple innovations, including being the first to offer multiprocessing on the Mac, the first to support Mac OS X, the first to run on Intel Macs, the first to support 64-bit on a Mac and now the first available for the new MacBook Air, 13-inch MacBook Pro, and Mac mini powered by M1.

“Apple has a knack for developing groundbreaking technologies and M1 is no exception,” states David McGavran, Maxon CEO. “The new systems deliver industry-leading speed and power, with high performance GPUs. For a 3D artist, these speed and efficiency gains will be invaluable to the creative process. Cinema 4D running on M1 will deliver a world-class workflow experience.”

by maxon


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